Frontpage Financial statements Consolidated Financial Statements

Consolidated Financial Statements


€ million Note 1.1.–31.12.2010 % 1.1.–31.12.2009 %
Net sales 2 8,776.8 100.0 8,446.8 100.0
Cost of sales   -7,546.7 -86.0 -7,323.2 -86.7
Gross profit   1,230.1 14.0 1,123.6 13.3
Other operating income 5, 7 698.8 8.0 710.4 8.4
Staff cost 8, 35 -520.6 -5.9 -535.2 -6.3
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment 13, 14 -120.9 -1.4 -131.2 -1.6
Other operating expenses 6, 7 -980.7 -11.2 -935.2 -11.1
Operating profit   306.7 3.5 232.3 2.8
Interest income and other finance income 9 22.7 0.3 24.4 0.3
Interest expense and other finance costs 9 -15.4 0.2 -21.3 0.3
Foreign exchange differences 9 -1.4 0.0 -19.0 -0.2
Total finance income and costs 9 6.0 0.1 -16.0 -0.2
Income from associates   -0.3 0.0 0.2 0.0
Profit before tax   312.4 3.6 216.6 2.6
Income tax 10 -96.7 -1.1 -82.4 -1.0
Profit for the year   215.7 2.5 134.2 1.6
Profit for the year attributable to  
Owners of the parent   204.5 125.2
Non-controlling interests   11.2 9.0
Earnings per share for profit attributable to owners of the parent  
Basic, € 12 2.08 1.28
Diluted, € 12 2.06 1.27


Profit for the year   215.7 134.2
Other comprehensive income  
Currency translation differences related to a foreign operation 11 4.9 -2.5
Cash flow hedge revaluation 11 20.8 -3.9
Revaluation of available-for-sale financial assets 11 1.2 -1.9
Others 11 -0.7 -0.3
Tax related to other comprehensive income 11 -5.7 1.5
Total other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax   20.4 -7.1
Comprehensive income for the year   236.1 127.1
Comprehensive income for the year attributable to  
Owners of the parent   224.4 123.0
Non-controlling interests   11.7 4.1