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Staff cost, number of personnel and management's compensation

€ million 2010 2009
Wages, salaries and fees -451.0 -448.4
Social security costs -41.0 -39.0
Pension costs -23.5 -39.6
Defined benefit plans 32.0 8.2
Defined contribution plans -55.5 -47.8
Share-based payments -5.0 -8.1
Total -520.6 -535.2

During the financial year, the management of the statutory pension provision and related insurance portfolio of the Kesko Group employees was partly transferred from the Kesko Pension Fund to an authorised pension insurance company. Pensions are disclosed in more detail in note 20.

Disclosures on compensation paid to the Group’s management for employee services, and other related party transactions are disclosed in note 42, and on option schemes in note 35.

Salaries and fees of the Group companies' managing directors and boards of directors

€ million 2010 2009
Salaries of managing directors
(incl. fringe benefits)
5.5 5.0
Fees of Board members 0.4 0.3
Total 5.9 5.3
Average number of Group employees
  2010 2009
Food trade 2,881 3,035
Home and speciality goods trade 5,418 5,666
Building and home improvement trade 8,379 8,804
Car and machinery trade 1,138 1,291
Others 399 403
Total 18,215 19,200