Frontpage Financial statements Parent's financial statements Parent's cash flow statement (FAS)


1 Jan.–31 Dec. 2010 1 Jan.–31 Dec. 2009
Cash flow from operating activities    
Profit before extraordinary items 191,170,255.03 127,304,287.13
Depreciation according to plan 17,434,923.06 22,431,800.30
Financial income and expenses -13,813,089.93 -11,208,558.82
Other adjustments -69,584,215.55 -86,901,943.53
  125,207,872.61 51,625,585.08
Change in working capital    
Interest-free short-term trade receivables, increase/decrease (-/+) -1,088,925.27 5,013,184.12
Interest-free short-term debt, increase/decrease (+/-) 11,765,141.48 -7,364,940.23
  10,676,216.21 -2,351,756.11
Interests paid -16,082,754.25 -24,886,896.53
Interests received 25,698,497.53 50,091,388.56
Dividends received 21,851.99 15,919.30
Taxes paid -103,242,413.51 -31,500,126.37
  -93,604,818.24 -6,279,715.04
Cash flow from operating activities 42,279,270.58 42,994,113.93
Cash flow from investing activities    
Purchases of other investments -4,494,826.00 0.00
Investments in tangible and intangible assets -7,342,155.49 -25,407,912.38
Decrease in long-term receivables 107,916,292.15 14,727,559.87
Subsidiary acquired -27,381,743.56 0.00
Subsidiary disposed 1,934,425.00 30,401,356.84
Associated company acquired -32,669,166.40 0.00
Associated company disposed 6,727.52 140,000.00
Proceeds from other investments 411,370.00 0.00
Proceeds from sale of tangible and intangible assets 103,295,518.59 164,968,531.04
Cash flow from investing activities 141,676,441.81 184,829,535.37
Cash flow from financing activities    
Increase/decrease (+/-) in current creditors 114,638,294.24 -165,768,732.94
Increase/decrease (+/-) in non-current creditors -5,492,357.02 17,681,692.46
Increase/decrease (-/+) in short-term interest-bearing receivables -120,104,979.56 248,003,649.29
Short-term money market investments -112,971,602.17 -98,162,726.19
Dividends paid -88,547,166.90 -97,850,410.00
Group contributions received and paid 51,637,711.18 21,584,005.65
Increase in share capital 4,208,314.54 4,577,454.34
Others -14,132,237.45 -14,532,339.74
Cash flow from financing activities -170,764,023.14 -84,467,407.13
Change in liquid assets 13,191,689.25 143,356,242.17
Liquid assets at 1 January 425,387,795.98 282,031,553.81
Liquid assets at 31 December 438,579,485.23 425,387,795.98