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Income tax expense

€ million 2010 2009
Current tax -133.0 -82.7
Tax for prior periods 0.7 -1.2
Deferred tax 35.6 1.6
Total -96.7 -82.4
Reconciliation between tax expense and tax calculated at domestic rate.
Profit before tax 312.4 216.6
Tax at parent's rate (26%) -81.2 -56.3
Effect of foreign subsidiaries' different tax rates 3.3 2.0
Effect of income not subject to tax 1.2 1.4
Effect of expenses not deductible for tax purposes -7.5 -8.9
Effect of tax losses -11.7 -17.1
Effect of consolidation and elimination -3.5 0.0
Taxes for prior periods 0.7 -1.2
Adjustment of prior period deferred taxes 0.2 -1.2
Others 1.9 -1.2
Tax in the income statement -96.7 -82.4