We pay special attention to human rights issues and working conditions in its supply chain in countries with the greatest risk of human rights violations. In
the risk assessment of supply countries, we utilise the amfori Country Risk Classification based on Worldwide Governance indicators published by the World Bank.
We utilise global social responsibility audit and certification systems, primarily amfori BSCI audits, in the assessment of suppliers in high-risk countries. We also accept other assessment systems of social responsibility if their criteria correspond to those of amfori BSCI auditing and if the audit is conducted by an independent party. As part of the sourcing cooperation between Kesko’s grocery trade and ICA Global Sourcing, Kesko also accepts the ICA Social Audit. In this case, however, suppliers are required to adopt a third-party audit approved by Kesko after a maximum of two ICA Social Audits.
Social responsibility audits and certificates assess, e.g., the safety of working conditions at factories, workers' remuneration and working hours as well as rights of freedom of association and bargaining. Child and bonded labour is strictly forbidden.
Our principle in high-risk countries is to collaborate only with suppliers that are already included in the scope of social responsibility audits or that start the process when the cooperation begins. Kesko’s grocery trade and building and technical trade require all of their suppliers in high-risk countries to have an approved audit when the cooperation begins.
In 2024, a total of 705 factories of direct suppliers in risk countries had a valid social
responsibility audit, resulting in an audit coverage of 90.7% of all factories of direct risk
country suppliers. The most common audit systems were amfori BSCI and SMETA. Some of Kesko’s suppliers are also members of amfori and thus promote amfori BSCI audits in their own supply chains.
According to Kesko Group guidelines, an amfori BSCI Code of Conduct contract clause must be added to supplier agreements.