Sustainablity strategy

The sustainability strategy 2022-24, approved in March 2022, sets clear sustainability targets for the operations of Kesko and its three divisions. The focus areas of the sustainability strategy are climate and nature, value chain, our people, and good governance.



We enable sustainable choices for our customers and drive change throughout the value chain

Focus areas and key actions

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Key performance indicators




Year 2023

Year 2022

Additional information


Achieve carbon neutrality in 2025 and make own operations emission-free by the end of 2030

Carbon dioxide emission in tCO2e

77,900 tCO2e


The carbon dioxide emissions from Kesko’s own operations (Scope 1 and 2) in 2023 totalled 77,947 CO2e. The increase in emissions mainly arises from the increase in district heat consumption and increased emissions from district heat consumption.

Require 67% of our suppliers by spend to have science-based emissions reduction targets by the end of 2026

% of suppliers 



Kesko monitors the target primarily via the CDP Climate Change Questionnaire.
In 2023, 32.0% of Kesko’s suppliers (by spend) have set science-based emissions
reductions targets.

Supply chain

Ensure social responsibility in the production of directly imported goods from high-risk countries by assuring them 100% with appropriate audits by 2024

% of audits



In 2023, 97.0% of the production facilities for Kesko’s direct imports from high-risk countries were audited.
Kesko’s grocery trade and building and technical trade require all of their new
direct suppliers in high-risk countries to have approved audits when cooperation
is initiated.

Sustainable products

Increase the share of sustainable products in net sales by 2024

% of sustainable products in net sales

grocery trade

building and technical trade

car trade

grocery trade

- %
building and technical trade

car trade

We have made our own classification of products in each division that are sustainable from a climate and/or biodiversity perspective. Our own classification of sustainable
products complements the turnover reported in accordance with the EU Taxonomy.
Building and technical trade has identified sustainable products from their ranges,
receiving one or more of the labels: Energy efficiency, Water saving, Healthy building, More sustainably produced and Circular economy.
*excl. Kespro’s sales dataa


Conduct actions to support our people’s health, wellbeing and capabilities by the end of 2024

Wellbeing index



In addition to a personnel survey, we measure perceived personnel wellbeing with the ‘Our People’ sustainability survey. 

In 2023, Kesko approved new DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) targets, which address management gender distribution, equal pay and the perceived realisation of equity among Kesko personnel.

In 2024, we’ll arrange a leadership programme for women in cooperation with Mothers in Business ry (MiB). The aim is to increase the number of women in management positions.  

*figure updated 5/2024
scale 0-100, K Voices 2024 survey

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