Sustainable Kesko

We create competitive advantage through sustainability. The effects of what we do spread far and wide through society. Our sustainability vision is to enable sustainable choices for our customers by driving change throughout the value chain. The focus areas in our sustainability strategy include climate and nature, value chain, our people and good governance. All three divisions support their customers in making sustainable choices whether it be a question of food, housing or transportation.

Kesko’s operations are based on Kesko's value, vision and mission. Sustainability work is guided by Kesko’s sustainability policy, sustainability strategy and the K Code of Conduct guidelines.

Kesko has committed to several international declarations and conventions, the most important of which are:

  • The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child
  • The ILO convention on the Fundamental Rights and Principles at Work
  • The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Corporations
  • The ICC Business Charter for Sustainable Development and principles against corruption and bribery
  • The UN Global Compact initiative
  • The UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • The purchasing principles of the amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (amfori BSCI)

At the highest level, sustainability management is carried out by Kesko’s Board of Directors and President and CEO. The Board approves the sustainability strategy and the strategic targets and monitors the progress of the strategy on an annual basis. Kesko’s President and CEO has overall responsibility for the implementation of the sustainability strategy and for achieving the common objectives. The Group Management Board approves the new sustainability policies and discusses sustainability in its meetings on a regular basis.

Sustainability work is led by Kesko’s Executive Vice President of Legal and Sustainability who is a member of the Group Management Board and reports directly to the President and CEO. He is responsible for the content of the sustainability strategy, monitoring its progress and supporting the implementation of the strategy in each division. The Executive Vice President of Legal and Sustainability is responsible for stakeholder relationships at the Group level. He chairs the Group Sustainability Management Team which has representatives from the divisions and from the common operations.

The task of the Group Sustainability Management Team is to promote any matters recorded in the sustainability strategy, monitor the progress of the strategy, coordinate Group level initiatives and to share best practices. The divisions are responsible for preparing sustainability strategies that are specific to their division and business and for implementing them under the sustainability strategy that covers all the divisions. The divisions are also responsible for ensuring the progress of the strategy and for reaching their own goals. In the divisions, sustainability work is steered in sustainability steering groups.

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