Diversity, equity and inclusion

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is one of the focus areas of Kesko’s sustainability work. We want to promote the diversity of personnel and increase the experience of equity and inclusion. This increases Kesko’s attractiveness as an employer and promotes the wellbeing of the workplace community.

Kesko has concrete targets for gender equity. We aim to increase the share of women in the top management to 40% and in the middle management to 45% by 2030. Furthermore, our aim is to have zero unfounded pay differences. We have a diversity and inclusion programme and regularly measure the employees' views on the implementation of inclusion and equity. Read more about our DEI targets

We want to promote equality, and for this reason, we have signed the UN Women's and the UN Global Compact's Women's Empowerment Principles, through which we are committed to promoting equality in our operations even more strongly. Promoting equality is important because the experience of equality and diversity increases the well-being of our work community and enhances Kesko's attractiveness as an employer. 

We work to raise awareness of diversity issues throughout the whole K Group. In 2023, we published  a diversity and inclusion online course for the entire personnel.

We increase diversity in the workplace community by employing Ukrainian workers in logistics, for example. In the past few years, English has been more widely used in logistics, for example, which enables more diverse employment in the future.

We want to promote the career development of women. In 2024-2025, we organised a leadership programme for women in partnership with Mothers in Business (MiB), to empower women with encouragement and coaching to advance in their careers. Thirty women participated in the programme. The next leadership programme for women will be launched in the autumn 2025.  

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