Kesko's sales in April 2010



The Kesko Group's sales, excluding VAT, totalled €747.0 million in April 2010, showing an increase of 2.0%


In the food trade, sales in April were €315.2 million, a decrease of 7.6%. Sales to the K-food store chains were down by 7.2%, which is attributable to Easter sales falling in March this year and disturbances in the labour market. K-food stores' grocery retail sales (VAT 0%) were up by 1.0%.


In the home and speciality goods trade, sales in April were €111.7 million, an increase of 0.3%. Sales of clothing items and interior decoration products developed best.


In the building and home improvement trade, sales in April were €234.0 million, an increase of 10.9%. Sales in Finland were up by 15.1%. In other countries, sales increased by 6.6% in terms of euros. Sales performance was good in Norway, Sweden and Russia. In the Baltic countries, sales continued to decrease.


In the car and machinery trade, VV-Auto's sales in April were €69.2 million, an increase of 43.3%. In Finland, the total new registrations of passenger cars increased by 39.7% in April. The market share of passenger cars represented by VV-Auto was 22.9% (18.9%). Konekesko's sales in April were €30.0 million, down 11.5%, due to the downsizing of the Baltic agricultural trade.


Kesko Group sales in euros, excluding VAT, in April 2010:


  April  2010 1.1. - 30.4.2010
  € million Change, % € million Change,%
Food trade, total 315.2 -7.6 1,234.1 -0.1
Home and speciality goods trade, Finland 110.4 0.8 465.1 2.6
Home and speciality goods trade, other countries 1.3 -29.0 5.6 -28.9
Home and speciality goods trade, total 111.7 0.3 470.7 2.1
Building and home improvement trade, Finland 122.7 15.1 376.8 0.0
Building and home improvement trade, other countries 111.3 6.6 356.8 -3.5
Building and home improvement trade, total 234.0 10.9 733.7 -1.8
Car and machinery trade, Finland 89.8 31.6 307.4 -8.1
Car and machinery trade, other countries 9.3 -33.1 32.8 -33.0
Car and machinery trade, total 99.1 20.7 340.2 -11.3
Common operations and eliminations -13.0   -53.5  
Finland, total 625.2 2.1 2,330.0 -0.7
Other countries, total 121.8 1.5 395.2 -7.4
Grand total 747.0 2.0 2,725.2 -1.7


Change, % indicates the change over the corresponding period of the previous year.


In April 2010, the number of selling days in Kesko's wholesale was 20, which is the same as in April 2009. The total number of wholesale selling days in January-April was the same as in the previous year. The number of retail selling days in April was 27, which is three more than in the previous year. The total number of retail selling days in January-April was sixteen more than in the previous year.


The sales from operations in Finland presented in this release include the export sales of the companies in Finland (previously exports were included in the sales of other countries). The comparative figures have been restated to reflect the change in presentation.


Kesko publishes advance information about the K-Group's retail sales quarterly, in connection with the interim reports.


Further information is available from Vice President, Corporate Controller Jukka Erlund, tel. +358 1053 22338.



Kesko Corporation




Paavo Moilanen
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications and Responsibility



Main news media


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