Pirkka Organic range grows with domestic yoghurts, sour milk and cream

KESKO FOOD LTD PRESS RELEASE 29.03.2010 AT 10.00 1(1)


The Pirkka Organic range now includes over 40 products. The new Pirkka Organic yoghurts, fat-free sour milk and double cream are produced by Juvan Luomu Oy, the only Finnish dairy that focuses on organic products.


According to the 2009 survey by Taloustutkimus on the eating habits of Finnish people, 41 percent of Finns use organic products at least once a month.


K-food stores want to serve their customers as well as possible, offering wide selections and plenty of products to choose from. The number of Pirkka Organic products has been expanded actively and now exceeds 40. "There are several Pirkka Organic options available in the milk cabinet," says Commercial Director Jukka Koivunen of Kesko Food's Commerce, pleased.


"The Pirkka range helps us offer our customers a competitive price level combined with a good selection and availability in organic products, too," Koivunen continues.


Juvan Luomu has enhanced people's awareness of Juva as an organic municipality. All milk for the company is produced on ten different organic farms, located less than 35 kilometres from the dairy. Back in business after a break, the dairy, which was built on the lakeside in 1920, now employs a staff of ten.


"The owners are really committed to the business and we want to invest in the future of the company. Competent employees are also valuable for us in the new, interesting and challenging situation. We are extremely satisfied to be involved in the growing organic market," says Seppo Kietäväinen, Chair of Juvan Luomu's Board of Directors.


Further information:
Commercial Director Jukka Koivunen, Kesko Food Ltd, tel. +358 1053 28910
Purchasing Manager Sirpa Koppinen-Lindström, Kesko Food Ltd, tel. +358 1053 22015
Managing Director Kari Partanen, Juvan Luomu Oy, tel. +358 44 2812 515
Sales Manager Mervi Wahlroos, Juvan Luomu Oy, tel. +358 45 2772 239


Photos available at www.vision.fi/ruokakesko.


Kesko (www.kesko.fi) is a retail specialist whose stores offer quality to the daily lives of consumers. Kesko has about 2,000 stores engaged in chain operations in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Russia, and Belarus. Kesko Food is part of the Kesko Group.

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