KESKO FOOD LTD PRESS RELEASE 23.08.2010 AT 10.00 1(1)
Kesko Food's logistics will further improve their waste recovery solutions. The future target is to direct nearly all waste generated either to recycling or fuel production. The current waste recovery rate is 86 percent.
"Kesko Food wants to increase the efficiency of their waste management solutions and reduce environmental impact. Our objective is to find cost-effective and future-oriented waste management solutions that meet recycling targets and needs. A new major change in waste management is that both landfill and organic waste will be directed to energy and fuel production," says Timo Jäske, Kesko Food's Environmental Manager.
Keslog has had a certified ISO 14001 environmental system since 2001. As a proof of the efficiency of the system, the amount of mixed waste has decreased significantly: when in 1997 the amount of mixed waste generated was 2,000 tons, last year the corresponding amount was 900 tons.
In 2009, the total amount of waste from Kesko Food's warehouses exceeded 6,500 tons, consisting mainly of corrugated board (3,800 tons), plastic (320 tons), metal (220 tons) and timber (260 tons).
Further information:
Environmental Manager Timo Jäske, Kesko Food Ltd, +358 1053 28222
Environmental and Security Manager Toni Pelin, Keslog Ltd, +358 1053 28619
Keslog Ltd, owned by Kesko Corporation, is responsible for Kesko Food's operational warehouse, terminal and transportation activities. Keslog Ltd also provides logistics services to other K-Group divisions and external customers.
Kesko ( is a retail specialist whose stores offer quality to the daily lives of consumers. Kesko has about 2,000 stores engaged in chain operations in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Russia, and Belarus.