Jorma Rauhala (born 1965, Master of Science, Econ.) has worked at Kesko Corporation since 1992. He has been the President of the building and technical trade division since November 2017. Prior to that, Rauhala acted as President of Kesko’s grocery trade division, and as President of Kesko Food. Rauhala has also acted as Managing Director of Kespro. Jorma Rauhala has been a member of Kesko Corporation’s Group Management Board since 2013.
"Kesko has an excellent growth strategy, which has proven effective and yielded results. As a modern, human-focused leader, Jorma Rauhala is the natural choice to continue the implementation of Kesko’s growth strategy and success story as the new President and CEO. Rauhala has a strong track record in leadership that yields results in two of Kesko’s biggest business divisions,” says Esa Kiiskinen, Chair of Kesko’s Board of Directors.
”Under Mikko Helander’s leadership over the past nine years, Kesko’s operations have been significantly transformed. The successful execution of our growth strategy has led to significant growth in Kesko’s shareholder value. I want to express my warmest thanks to President and CEO Helander for his excellent work,” says Kiiskinen.
As previously communicated in a stock exchange release issued by Kesko on 8 December 2023, the current President and CEO Mikko Helander has stated he will retire during 2024.
Jorma Rauhala’s photo and personal details can be found at www.kesko.fi/group-management-board.
Further information is available from Esa Kiiskinen, Chair of Kesko’s Board of Directors.
Contacts via Karoliina Partanen, Kesko’s Executive Vice President of Communications, email: karoliina.partanen@kesko.fi, tel. +358 40 584 5298.
Kesko Corporation
Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd
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