”Our collection robots are ready for action, and the first online orders collected with their help have now been delivered. The robots make collection more efficient, which results in lower delivery prices. We have also been able to add more slots for click & collect orders. While our processes have become more efficient, we have not sacrificed our extensive selections – customers can still choose from a selection of some 40,000 store products”, explains Antti Rajala, Kesko’s Director of eCom & Digital Services.
”Online grocery in Finland has moved forward by leaps and bounds, and K Group has played an important pioneering role in this. We are thrilled to once again usher in a new era in Finnish online grocery”, says Antti Rajala.
The retailer of K-Citymarket Ruoholahti, Tero Huhtala, agrees: ”More efficient collection processes enable significantly higher online sales volumes for our store, but we are still able to offer our customers the extensive selections they so value. We can offer more delivery times, while better stock management means less issues with product availability. For me, it is also important that we can shift the bulk of order collection away from the store aisles.”