What’s SUP?
The EU Single Use Plastics (SUP) Directive aims to reduce the amount of plastic waste ending up in nature, especially bodies of water. It also aims to promote circular economy and unify product regulation within the EU. The directive includes measures such as market restrictions, marking requirements and consumption reductions, which will gradually enter into force between the years 2021 and 2030, starting with market restrictions and marking requirements on 3 July this year. While the implementation of the directive was postponed in Finland until mid-August, the marking requirements were introduced as scheduled.
“Certain disposable plastic products, including plastic knives, forks and spoons, plates, straws and stirrers, are now completely banned. As it is also vital to increase awareness among consumers, products and product packaging containing plastic will carry new markings. For example, plastic beverage cups and paper cups with a plastic lining or coating must be labelled with a “Plastic in Product” logo and a turtle label’, says Kesko’s Product Manager Taina Pirhonen.
Consumers may still come across disposable plastic products and products without the turtle label even after the directive has entered into force as stores are allowed to sell out existing stock.
K Group is well-prepared for SUPD requirements
Selections at K Group’s stores have already been updated: paper straws have replaced plastic ones and cotton bud sticks are also made of paper, while reusable and machine-washable dishes made of wood fibre are offered in place of disposable plastic dishes. Products sold in the stores have also begun to bear the logos and labels required by the directive.
Banned plastic products:
Products with the “Plastic in Product” logo and turtle label: