“We are thrilled to receive this recognition, which will encourage us to take our biodiversity efforts and reporting further. Similar actions are required to battle both climate change and loss of biodiversity: we must change our lifestyles to make them more sustainable. All K Group divisions have the opportunity – and as large operators, the obligation – to offer customers solutions that help reduce climate impact and promote biodiversity. Plant-based food selections, certified wood and other raw materials, and our K Fishpaths collaboration with WWF Finland are examples of our most recent efforts,” says Matti Kalervo, Kesko’s Vice President of Corporate Responsibility.
As a trading sector company, K Group knows that in addition to its own actions, biodiversity efforts must extend to selections.
“We have now created the basis for our biodiversity work, and our next step is to set tangible goals for our operations and purchasing chains. We are also hoping for a shared international framework and indicators that would enable comparable reporting on biodiversity,” says Kalervo.
The competition awards the best sustainability reports in Finland every year. The competition objective is to improve corporate responsibility and sustainability work and reporting, highlight good practices, and give recognition to especially commendable corporate sustainability reporting.
With regard to Kesko’s win in the new Biodiversity reporting category, the jury stated:
“Biodiversity is a fairly new, rising theme in sustainability. Kesko’s clear report presents effectively the global aspects of the company’s operations and shows an understanding of how those operations are linked to biodiversity.”
Best sustainability reports in 2021:
• Overall competition: Stora Enso
• Climate change: Neste
• Biodiversity: Kesko
• Human rights: S Group
• Small and mid cap companies: Jalofoods
The competition was organised by Aalto University School of Business, Climate Leadership Coalition, FIBS, Finland's Sustainable Investment Forum (Finsif), Hanken School of Economics, Nasdaq Helsinki, Suomen Tilintarkastajat ry, Association for Environmental Management (YJY), and the Finnish Ministry of the Environment.
Since 2000, Kesko has reported on its actions annually in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines for reporting on sustainable development. There have been continuous efforts to improve the reporting to better meet the needs of various stakeholders, especially investors, analysts, rating agencies, media, and NGOs.
More information on K Group’s biodiversity efforts can be found on our website and the Sustainability section of Kesko’s Annual Report (pages 46-49) as well as the Opportunities and risks summary of the Annual Report.