K Group's annual trend review: gluten-free and dairy-free diets are accompanied by more targeted tailored diets
K Group's annual trend review: gluten-free and dairy-free diets are accompanied by more targeted tailored diets
K Group has again listed 10 food trends for the upcoming year. Conscientious consumption will continue to play a major role in shopping baskets in 2020. Food trends include climate awareness and a greater appreciation for the origin of food. Wellbeing is already part of many people's daily lives, and next year it will be seen in their shopping baskets as choices that increase their own wellbeing.
In K Group’s Food Trends 2019 survey, which was carried out last autumn, conscientious consumption was already the biggest trend affecting food purchases in Finland.
"This trend is here to stay: we expect conscientious consumption to be a major factor in purchasing decisions also in 2020," states Heidi Jungar, Customer Insight Director for K Group’s grocery trade division.
"In food stores, this is reflected in the increased popularity of local and ethical foods as well as in environmentally friendly choices. In addition, we believe that climate awareness will start to become more tangible in 2020. Consumers want more information on the climate impact of their grocery shopping and make choices with the climate in mind. For example, Baltic herring is an inexpensive and climate-friendly alternative that we expect to grow in popularity next year," says Jungar.
Besides climate awareness, one of the food trends of the year 2020 will be new vegetarian options, which will emerge as the boom for vegetarian food continues. The most interesting product novelties will be seen in vegan convenience foods.
According to K Group's experts, wellbeing is already part of many people's daily lives. In contrast, within this trend, tailored wellbeing is rapidly growing.
"Gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-reduced products and white sugar-free delicacies are just the beginning of the customised diet trend. This trend is reflected in consumers' shopping baskets as a variety of tailored choices made with wellbeing in mind. On the other hand, at its simplest, it can mean that consumers switch more often to vegetables or fish as the main ingredient in their meal," says Jungar.
How the year 2020 will be reflected in Finnish shopping baskets:
Greater appreciation for the origin of food
Climate awareness reflected in people's actions
Packaging that is easier to sort and contains less plastic
New vegetarian options
Greater integration of healthiness and wellbeing into fast and easy meals
Increasingly tailored diets
Bolder taste choices: more ethnic products in shopping baskets
Increased consumption of specialties: selection of special varieties of traditional vegetables
Organic food becoming a daily dietary staple
More new hit products designed together with customers
Heidi Jungar, Customer Insight Director, K Group’s grocery trade division, tel. +358 40 535 8524 K Group media desk (Mon–Fri 8–16), tel. +358 105 350 200, viestinta@kesko.fi
K-food retailers guarantee customer satisfaction at K-food stores, and Kesko's grocery trade works with these retailers under the chain business model. The K-food store chains are K-Citymarket, K-Supermarket, K-Market and Neste K. K-food stores are the most sustainable in the world. Their strengths also include superior fresh food departments, professional service, diverse and high-quality selections, Finnish products, and own brand Pirkka products. K-food stores provide both high quality and affordable prices.