News and releases


128 news and releases

June 2024

Best voluntary sustainability commitments receive awards – K Group’s material efficiency and nutrition commitments were among those recognised

The Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the National Nutrition Council and Ympäristömerkintä Suomi Oy presented awards to the best sustainable development commitments of 2023. K Group’s material efficiency and nutrition commitments were among the award-winning commitments.


19.06.2024 08:29

K Group to provide information on origin and route of popular canned goods to K-stores

By far the most popular canned fruit at K-stores is canned pineapple, an affordable product that is suitable for many dishes. A QR code will be added to Pirkka and K-Menu pineapple cans so that K-store customers will be able to learn about the origin and route of the product already at the store.

Sustainability, Media

06.06.2024 08:34

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