Remuneration for the Group Management Board members

Based on the Remuneration Committee's preparatory work, Kesko's Board of Directors makes decisions on the remuneration to the Group Management Board members responsible for lines of business. As for the other Group Management Board members, Kesko's Board of Directors makes decisions on the performance bonus principles and share awards. Other decisions regarding remuneration are made by the President and CEO, based on preparatory work by the head of HR, within the limits set by the Chairman of the Board's Remuneration Committee.

The salaries, performance bonuses, share awards and fringe benefits paid to Group Management Board members (excluding President and CEO Rauhala) in 2023-2024 are depicted below. Salaries, performance bonuses, share awards and fringe benefits are reported on a cash basis.

Salaries, bonuses and fringe benefits for Group Management Board members other than President and CEO (€)




Fixed monetary salary



Performance Bonus



Share awards *



Car and mobile phone benefits






* The euro value of the share awards has been calculated using the trade-weighted average share price of the dates of assignment 18 March 2024 and 15 March 2023. The euro values of the share awards are gross amounts, from which the transfer tax and withholding tax has been deducted and the remaining net amount has been paid in shares. The gross number of Kesko B shares transferred in 2024 was 37,385 and the net number was 18,694 shares. The gross number of Kesko B shares transferred in 2023 was 156,863 and the net number was 78,433 shares.

Retirement benefits for Group Management Board members other than the President and CEO

The old-age pension age for Group Management Board members is 63 years.

In 2024, two Group Management Board members were members of Kesko Pension Fund (three in 2023). Their amount of old-age pension is 66% of pensionable earnings for the ten (10) years preceding the retirement. Their supplementary pensions are determined based on the rules of Kesko Pension Fund and their personal service contracts. Their supplementary pensions are based on a defined benefit plan. The old-age pensions of the other Group Management Board members are determined based on the general provisions applicable to employees’ pensions in Finland (the Finnish Employees’ Pensions Act, TyEL). In addition, they have a defined contribution supplementary pension.

Period of notice and termination benefit for Group Management Board members other than the President and CEO

The period of notice for the other Group Management Board members is six (6) months if the service contract is terminated by the Company, and six (6) months if the executive resigns. If the Company terminates the contract for a reason other than a material breach of contract by the executive, and the executive does not retire on an old-age pension or some other pension, the executive is paid, in addition to the salary for the period of notice, a compensation corresponding to the combined amount of 6-12 months' monetary salary and fringe benefits.

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