The Annual General Meeting decides on the remuneration and other financial benefits of the members of Kesko's Board of Directors and its Committees annually. The Annual General Meeting held on 24 March 2025 resolved that the remuneration of Kesko Corporation's Board members and the reimbursement of their expenses in 2025-2026 are as follows:
The aforementioned annual fees will be paid in Kesko Corporation’s B shares and in cash, with approximately 30% of the remuneration paid in shares and the remaining amount paid in cash. The company will acquire the shares from the market or transfer shares held by the company as treasury shares in the name and on behalf of the Board members. The company is responsible for the costs arising from the acquisition of the shares. The shares are to be acquired or transferred to the Board members on the first working day to follow the publication of the interim report for the first quarter of 2025, or on first date enabled by applicable legislation. A Board member cannot transfer shares obtained in this manner until either three years have passed from the day the member has received the shares or their membership on the Board has ended, whichever comes first.
Board members do not have share compensation or share-based compensation schemes, nor do they participate in the other remuneration schemes or pension plans of the Company.