Annual General Meeting 2025

The planned date for Kesko Corporation’s next Annual General Meeting is 24 March 2025. The notice of the meeting shall be given by the Board of Directors at a later date.

Shareholders have the right to put matters on the agenda of Kesko’s Annual General Meeting 2025 if such matter falls within the competence of the Annual General Meeting under the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act. Shareholders must notify the Board of Directors of possible requests no later than on 14 January 2025. A written request, together with a proposal for a resolution shall be sent to Kesko Corporation, Kesko Group’s Legal Affairs, PO Box 1, FI-00016 KESKO, or by e-mail to The shareholder who makes the request also has the duty to ensure that their proposal for a resolution enables the Annual General Meeting to make a resolution on the matter.

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