Kesko is committed in its business operations to promoting good working capacity, health, wellbeing and safe working conditions. The purpose is to create a safe and healthy working environment for employees. We prevent occupational risks by improving safe working conditions in the workplace to prevent occupational accidents and diseases and physical and psychosocial hazards. It is every employee’s responsibility to ensure wellbeing and occupational safety at work. We actively involve employees and their representatives in the development and implementation of these matters in our cooperation forums.
A safe and healthy working environment increases wellbeing and motivation and reduces sickness absences. The aim is to identify at an early stage any risk factors that pose a threat to working capacity and to launch support measures as early as possible.
We comply with mandatory national laws and standards and promote good safety routines. The principle of continuous improvement is an essential part of our working capacity and safety system. It is systematically managed and measured in such a way that the operations support the achievement of Kesko’s strategic goals and it is an integral part of business operations. The operations are assessed and reported as part of Kesko’s sustainability strategy.
Managers are responsible for ensuring that employees are provided with induction on working capacity and occupational safety matters, and that all employees are regularly provided with induction and training that supports business operations. Working capacity management and occupational safety training is part of the training programmes for the management and managers.
Working capacity and occupational safety risks are assessed and analysed within the Group in accordance with its approved risk assessment system, and by using separate risk analyses or similar procedures when necessary. This is complemented by a function- or workplace-specific assessment of occupational hazards and risks, which is a legal requirement.
The implementation and level of health and occupational safety operations at Group level are monitored and assessed in connection with safety audits and reviews, for example. The operations are reported to the management of the divisions and Group and the Board of Directors.
The systematic integration of health and occupational safety principles into day-to-day management and working community activities is key to creating a safe and healthy working environment. In terms of management, it is important to ensure a well-functioning working community for employees and a good work-life balance and to monitor psychosocial stress. The management of the Group, the divisions and functions are responsible for ensuring and monitoring compliance with these principles, and for ensuring that the duties falling within their area of responsibility are fulfilled.
All Kesko employees are responsible for ensuring that they understand and act within their area of responsibility to meet these requirements and for taking responsibility for themselves and their colleagues.
Management and managers
Management and managers are responsible for ensuring that:
Labour protection steering group
Approved by the Labour protection steering group on 30 October 2024 |