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Human resources
Kesko and its chain stores offer a wide range of career options in the trading sector, varying from store duties to retailer entrepreneurship and different supervisory and specialist jobs. There are over 600 job titles at Kesko. In all, the K-Group – Kesko and the K-retailers – employ around 45,000 people.
Kesko has around 19,000 employees in eight countries: in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Russia and Belarus. 53% of employees work in Finland and 47% in other countries. HR management is guided by three aims: being the most attractive workplace in the trading sector, having the most competent and motivated people, and having the best labour productivity.
At Kesko, wellbeing at work is based on the opportunity to do meaningful work, in line with one's abilities, in a safe, pleasant and supportive working environment. The areas of wellbeing at work include control of personal life, work and competence, the working community, as well as management and leadership.
The early intervention model was adopted in all companies and 500 supervisors were trained to manage and enhance the wellbeing of the working community. Employees were given an opportunity to participate in the survey on wellbeing and personal lifestyle, and special 'wellbeing at work' events and new kinds of fitness courses were organised for employees. A guide on wellbeing at work, containing information about the basic principles, was distributed to all employees. Employees who feel happy and healthy and an efficient working community provide the basis for profitable work.
The results of the annual personnel survey were published in November, showing considerable improvement in job satisfaction, which was already at a high level. The most progress was seen in supervisory work; supervisors have been offered diverse training and good tools and instruments in support. Besides employee satisfaction, Kesko's attractiveness as an employer among young trade sector professionals increased. Kesko's ranking was 15th (27th) in the Universum survey.
Competence development at Kesko is target-oriented, long-standing and diversified. Learning takes place on the job and employees are encouraged to develop their competencies. In addition to training programmes, job rotation in Finland and other countries is an important tool for staff development.
Supervisors are responsible for familiarising each employee with Kesko's values and responsible working principles and ensuring that employees know their duties and objectives. Supervisors carry out a performance and development review with each employee at least once a year, and they are responsible for staff competencies in their own areas. During the year, routine work was concentrated to the service centre, which left human resources professionals with more time to support management in HR issues.
Leadership skills and career progress are supported by specialist, supervisor and management training programmes targeted at Kesko employees and store superiors. Revised training programmes were adopted at the beginning of the year. K-instituutti offers nearly 20 revised training packages. The survey of key employee and management resources was enhanced during the year, and the revised model was introduced at the beginning of 2012. Annual training and seminars organised for management and key employees had more than 250 participants.
Customers' needs, and meeting them, create the basis for the development of occupational competence at Kesko and chain stores. K-food stores aim to take customers' individual needs and expectations increasingly into account and, in doing so, strengthen customer relationships. In order to develop staff competence and customer service at K-food stores' superiority departments (fruit and vegetables, bread, fish, meat and ready-to-eat meals), training was given to more than 1,300 department managers and retailers. The annual K-Food Specialist training programme turned out 260 specialists in healthy nutrition and special diets to meet customers' individual special needs. So far, nearly 500 employees have completed the training. Long-term operations and staff development are experienced by customers in the high quality of service provided.
The training programme for sales assistants in
Building and home improvement store chains have been preparing for the implementation of the 'Energy expert' concept by training employees in issues related to housing and energy efficiency. So far, 112 stores have organised this training with a focus on understanding the total situation and surveying customer needs. The purpose of the concept is to make energy-wise housing easy for customers.
The car and machinery trade has started a trainee programme for new employees in customer service who have come from outside the car sector and are interested in the car trade. Service-oriented people with previous experience of customer service were chosen for the programme. 'The customer comes first' is the guiding rule in Volkswagen's sales training, the main purpose of which is to produce motoring solutions that meet customer needs.
The Master Sales Assistant training is the largest vocational training for adults in Finland, supporting on-the-job learning of retail and wholesale professionals. The training takes various perspectives on sales work and provides up-to-date product information to support customer service. The annual training had about 15,900 participants in 12 different product lines. The training was also implemented at business colleges and polytechnics, in which around 5,200 students participated. The Master Sales Assistant training has been completely revised and is now provided in an electronic form.
on HR issues at and in the Corporate Responsibility Report at
Rautakesko's Chief Shop Steward Pekka Kankaanrinta retires in March 2012 after a long career in the trading sector – 25 years with Tuko and 15 years with Kesko – and Riitta Laitasalo, Kesko's Senior Vice President, Human Resources, congratulates him.