Common operations
K-plussa points awarded more than a million times a day
K-Plussa customers use the most extensive and diverse customer loyalty programme in Finland more than a million times a day. Customers receive benefits from more than 3,000 outlets and over 40 business partners. Local K-retailers and the K-Group chains also offer targeted special benefits and services to their K-Plussa customers.
In 2011, the K-Plussa customer loyalty programme gained over 150,000 new customers. Approximately 2.2 million households – about 84% of all Finnish households – enjoy K-Plussa customer loyalty benefits. Each month there are hundreds of topical K-Plussa offers available for customers, which always offer a benefit of at least 10%, provided at the checkout. By centralising their purchases within the K-Plussa network, customers also receive a benefit of up to 5% in the form of K-Plussa points.
K-Plussa benefits are available from more than 3,000 outlets and over 40 business partners. In October 2011, Helsingin Energia and K-Plussa deepened their cooperation. As a result, they launched Plussa electricity, which is produced by hydropower, generating K-Plussa points for those K-Plussa customers who use it.
Better service for k-plussa customers at K-stores
By making efficient use of the information obtained from the K-Plussa customer loyalty programme, K-retailers can serve the customers best in their specific areas, providing them with the most interesting products and services.
K-Plussa also enables targeted communications from retailer to customer and this opportunity is used actively both at the store and chain level. At the chain level, customer information is, for example, used by Kodin Ykkönen, Intersport, K-rauta, Rautia and K-food stores in their targeted activities. Mass merchandising is also targeted to meet the needs of store customers. In addition, several K-retailers approach the customers of their stores on a targeted basis, offering them interesting benefits and services in connection with seasons, for example. Results from special benefits and events targeted for customers have been good.
Efficient business through efficient use of customer information
Customer information and programmes play a key role in business planning. In the K-Group, customer information is collected and analysed by K-Plus Oy.
The K-Plussa customer loyalty programme operates on three levels: benefits granted to customers are either store-specific, chain-specific or provided across the entire K-Plussa network. Information provided by the K-Plussa customer loyalty programme is, for example, used in planning store-specific selections and services and in targeting the store's marketing messages. At the chain level, customer information obtained via K-Plussa is leveraged in store network planning, concept development, and in building the chains' selections and services, for example. K-Plussa customers receive benefits and services that are based on their needs and shopping behaviour.
Customer benefits from k-plussa's electronic channels
K-Plussa is a pioneer in the development of new customer loyalty services. For example, thanks to the new mobile card service introduced in spring 2011, customers can also use their mobile phones to benefit from their loyal customer status. The customers can choose the subject areas they are interested in and the K-Group chains from which they want to receive special offers to their phones.
The importance of targeted electronic communications continues to grow. Customers can choose which chains or areas of interest they want to receive electronic communications from. K-Group chains and stores also approach their customers with personal offers, sent by e-mail. is K-Plussa's website, which customers are invited to visit to check the nationwide K-Plussa offers, which change weekly, and their own K-Plussa points balance. The website, which was revised in spring 2011, has attracted a large number of active visitors. The website provides them with immediate information about new recipe tips and services, for example.
Customers can deposit their K-Plussa points in their bank account with any bank. Customers can attach the K-Plussa feature to their OP-Pohjola debit, credit and Visa Electron cards, as well as to Nordea and Sampo Bank Visa Electron cards. There are now 900,000 co-branding cards.
K-Plussa customers can order their K-Plussa points notice direct to their electronic mail service instead of receiving a paper copy. In late 2011, a new Traveller's K-Plussa card was launched, making it possible also for travellers visiting Finland to benefit from K-Plussa offers when shopping at K-Group stores.
The K-Group's customer magazine Pirkka further strengthened its position as the most widely read magazine in Finland in 2011. The magazine contains articles on cooking, fashion and interior decoration, for example, as well as benefits and special offers for K-Plussa customers.
K-plussa points also for the youngest age groups
A successful K-Plussa campaign for young people moving homes was implemented in autumn 2011. The campaign offered them an opportunity to become K-Plussa customers free of charge and provided them with many interesting benefits. The feedback received was very positive and the implementation was regarded as useful, because young people moving to a new area, for example, were not always aware of the food stores available nearby.
Every year, K-food stores organise several targeted special campaigns for young families with children. In addition, the smallest family members also benefit from K-Plussa membership. The Napero Club is meant for all K-Plussa customers of the K-Group who have children aged under seven. The club has over 140,000 members from over 116,000 households. On the Facebook pages of the Napero Club, families with children can discuss subjects they find interesting and, at the same time, they have access to information about new products, special offers, contests and entertainment. The club now has more than 10,000 Facebook fans.