In Finland, Kesko Agro and 91 K-maatalous
agricultural stores form the
K-maatalous chain. About half of the
stores in the chain are combined with
Rautia under the name “Rautia-K-maatalous”,
or with K-rauta under the
name “K-rauta-K-maatalous”. The
The total Finnish agricultural market is
valued at about €2.2 billion. There are
two big operators: the Agrimarket chain
of Hankkija-Maatalous is the market
leader with a share of 46%, while the
Konekesko Eesti AS in Estonia, SIA
Konekesko Latvija in Latvia and UAB
Konekesko Lietuva in Lithuania are the
Kesko Agro subsidiaries that are involved
in the agricultural trade in the Baltic
countries. The Baltic market is currently
valued at €1.2 billion. The market share
is about 20% in Estonia, about 25% in
Latvia and about 7% in Lithuania.

The K-maatalous chain's strengths in
Finland include the K-maatalous retailers,
who know the local customers and
circumstances, and the wide product
range combined with the comprehensive
services and network. In the Baltic countries,
its strengths include the position in
the machinery trade and the comprehensive
sales and service network.
The best-known product brands represented
by Kesko Agro include Massey Ferguson
tractors, Claas combines and forage
harvesters, and the Tume and Elho agricultural
implements made in Finland.
K-maatalous focuses on increasing its
knowledge of the needs of future farmers.
Active contacts and sales and the
utilisation of data and information technology
provide the basis for close cooperation
between agricultural entrepreneurs
and K-maatalous. The popular
trade-in machinery service and revised
web pages provide a wide range of information
and services to farmers and other
Kesko Agro and Rautakesko are working
together to develop the combined Rautia-
The Cultivation Programme of
K-maatalous provides solutions that
improve the profitability of cultivation
while meeting the needs of each farmer.
The cultivation programme includes
guidelines on the choice of seed, on fertilisation,
on plant protection and liming.
The K-maatalous Experimental Farm in
Hauho does pioneering research and
development for agriculture by testing
plant varieties, fertilisation and protection.
The annual Kone-Forum exhibition is
the most important event in the agricultural
machinery calendar. Experts from
K-maatalous assist customers in questions
related to the use of machinery and
in the planning of machinery purchases,
while taking farm-specific needs into
Year 2008
In 2008, Kesko Agro's net sales were €846 million, an increase of 6.6% over the previous year. Net sales in the Baltic countries increased by 8.0% to €318 million. Kesko Agro's operating loss excluding non-recurring items was €3.5 million, which was €15.9 million weaker than in the previous year.
The objective of K-maatalous is to
improve its profitability in the agricultural
trade. It will focus on developing
the machinery trade and after-sales
services in Finland and the Baltic countries.
Another area of development in
Finland will be the Cultivation Programme.
Kesko Agro's business operations were
reorganised as of the beginning of 2009.
The K-maatalous chain and the agricultural
trade (agricultural implements,
inputs and supplies, and the seed and
grain trade) was transferred to Rautakesko,
while the tractor and combine
harvester business and the Konekesko
subsidiaries in the Baltic countries were
transferred to Konekesko. The subsidiaries
have been registered as Konekesko
Eesti AS, SIA Konekesko Latvija, and UAB
Konekesko Lietuva.