The Kesko's division parent companies are responsible for their own store sites throughout their life cycles. The companies plan their own retail networks and, on the basis of their network and business plans, make the investments in accordance with the Group's real estate strategy. The division parent companies develop their own store sites, manage their construction, and are responsible for maintaining, managing, leasing and selling them.
Real estate property management
For the management of Kesko's real estate assets and liabilities, the retail stores and other real estate properties are classified as follows:
- Strategic properties are large retail stores which Kesko prefers to own.
- Standard properties are premises owned by the Kesko Group. They can be sold and leased back for use in the Group's business operations.
- Realisation properties are those for which the Group has no further use.
- Development properties are those needing further development for their intended use.
Kesko's real estate investments aim to
enable the creation of trading services
valued by customers by anticipating
changes in customer behaviour and the
operating environment and by maintaining
the technical condition of properties.
Kesko invests only in properties
needed in its own business operations.
As a result of Kesko's internationalisation,
investments outside Finland have
become increasingly important.
Life-cycle affordable and ecoefficient real estate operations
Kesko's construction activity is based on
life-cycle affordability and eco-efficiency.
This means optimising the costs
and environmental burden across the
entire life cycle of a store site.
The aim is to build business premises
with the lowest life-cycle costs in the
trading sector.
Further development of the eco-efficiency
of existing properties is focused
on monitoring energy consumption and
improving energy use. The aim is to
reduce both consumption and costs.
Kesko has received much recognition
for environmentally responsible construction.
Property maintenance
Property maintenance relies on systematisation
and proactivity. Repair work is
scheduled to coincide with the rebuilding
necessitated by business operations.
The management and maintenance
of properties owned or leased by Kesko
has been outsourced to ISS Palvelut Oy,
Ovenia Oy and YIT Kiinteistötekniikka Oy,
which carry out the work in accordance
with Kesko’s requirements. Kestra Kiinteistöpalvelut
Oy, owned by Kesko, is
responsible for purchasing electricity for
the Group.
Kesko is participating in the Finnish economy's energy-efficiency agreement
The emissions generated in the production
of electrical and heat energy for
properties account for a significant share
of the K-Group's environmental impact.
Therefore, the K-Group's environmental
policy obliges Kesko's real estate operations,
in cooperation with its business
partners, to develop solutions related to
the building, repairs, concept changes,
maintenance and use of real estate
properties that reduce the consumption
of materials and energy during the life
cycle of these properties.
The Ministry of Employment and the
Economy, the Confederation of Finnish
Industries EK and the Federation of Finnish
Commerce have signed a framework
agreement with the intention of improving
the efficiency of energy use in Finnish
economy. In autumn 2008, Kesko signed
the accession document of this energyefficiency
agreement, according to which
it agrees to comply with the trading sector's
programme and implement the
actions written into it during the years