A more comprehensive and regularly updated description of Kesko's Corporate Governance is presented at www.kesko.fi.
The rules and the Corporate Governance Code observed by Kesko
Kesko Corporation (“Kesko” or “the company”) is a Finnish
public limited company in which the duties and responsibilities
of the executive bodies are defined according to the Finnish
law. The international Kesko Group comprises the parent company,
Kesko, and its subsidiaries. The company is domiciled in
The highest decision-making power in Kesko is exercised by
the company's shareholders at a General Meeting. The company's
shareholders elect the company's Board of Directors and
auditor at a General Meeting. The Kesko Group is managed by
the Board of Directors and a Managing Director, who is the President
and CEO. The company uses a so-called one-tier governance
Kesko's decision-making and administration comply with the
Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act, other regulations concerning
publicly traded companies, Kesko Corporation's Articles
of Association, and the rules of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. In
addition, the company complies with the Finnish Corporate
Governance Code (“Corporate Governance Code”) issued by the Securities Market Association. The Corporate Governance Code is
available in full at www.cgfinland.fi. In accordance with the
Comply or Explain principle of the Corporate Governance Code,
the company departs from the Corporate Governance Code's recommendation
concerning the terms of office of Board members
as specified hereafter.
Departure from the recommendation of the Corporate Governance Code
The terms of the members of Kesko's Board of Directors depart
from the recommended term of one year. The term of the company's
Board is defined in the company's Articles of Association.
The General Meeting makes decisions on amendments to
the Articles of Association. According to the company's Articles
of Association, the term of office of each Board member is three
(3) years with the term starting at the close of the General
Meeting electing the member and expiring at the close of the
third (3rd) Annual General Meeting after the election.
A shareholder which, together with controlled companies,
holds over 10% of all voting rights attached to Kesko's shares,
has informed the company's Board of Directors that it considers
the term of three (3) years good for the company's long-term
development and sees no need to shorten the term of office set
in the Articles of Association.
General meeting
The Annual General Meeting, which is held on a date by the end of every June designated by the company's Board of Directors, handles the business specified for the Annual General Meeting in the company's Articles of Association and any other proposals that may be made to the Meeting. If needed, the company may also hold an Extraordinary General Meeting. All General Meetings are convened by the company's Board of Directors. An Extraordinary General Meeting must also be convened if shareholders with at least 10% of the shares so demand in writing in order to deal with a given matter. As a rule, General Meetings handle the matters placed on the agenda by the company's Board of Directors. According to the Limited Liability Companies Act, a shareholder has the right to have a matter specified for a General Meeting handled at a General Meeting, if he/she requests so in writing to the Board of Directors early enough for the matter to be included in the notice of the meeting.
Major matters subject to the decision-making power of a General Meeting
Major matters subject to the decision-making power of a General Meeting include:
- decisions on the number of the Board members,
- the election of the Board members,
- decisions on the remuneration and financial benefits of the members of the Board of Directors and Board Committees,
- the election of the auditor and decisions of the auditor's fee,
- the adoption of the financial statements,
- decisions on discharging the Board and the Managing Director from liability,
- amendments to the Articles of Association,
- decisions on increases in the share capital, and
- decisions on the distribution of the company's earnings, such as distribution of profit. Convening a General Meeting Shareholders are invited to a General Meeting by a notice published in at least two nationwide newspapers, specifying e.g.:
- the time and place,
- the proposed agenda for the General Meeting,
- a description of the procedures that shareholders must comply with in order to participate in and cast votes at the General Meeting,
- the so-called record date that defines the right to participate in and cast votes at the General Meeting,
- the place where the documents and proposals for resolutions of the General Meeting are available, and
- the address of the company website.
The notice is delivered no earlier than two (2) months and no later than one (1) week before the record date of the General Meeting defined in the Limited Liability Companies Act. The notice and the proposals of the company's Board to a General Meeting are published in a stock exchange release. A proposal of such shareholders who hold at least 10% of the votes carried by the company shares as Board member is also published in a stock exchange release.
Right to participate in a General Meeting
Shareholders have the right to participate in a General Meeting
if they are registered as shareholders in the company's register
of shareholders kept by Euroclear Finland Ltd at the record date
separately given by the company. Those wishing to attend a
General Meeting must notify their intention in advance by the
date announced in the notice of the General Meeting, which
date must not be earlier than ten (10) days before the meeting.
Shareholders may attend the meeting themselves or through an
authorised representative.
Kesko's aim is that all members of the company's Board of
Directors are present at the Annual General Meeting. First-time
candidates for the Board of Directors are present at the General
Meeting which decides on election, unless there is a weighty
reason for their absence.
Share series
The company has two share series, A and B, which differ as to
the votes to which they give entitlement. Each A share entitles
its holder to ten (10) votes and each B share to one (1) vote at a
General Meeting.
Kesko's Articles of Association do not include any redemption
clauses or voting restrictions. No shareholder agreements on the
use of voting rights in the company or agreements on restricting
the transfer of company shares are known to the company.
Board of Directors and Board Committees
Composition and term of the Board of Directors and independence of Board members
According to the Articles of Association, Kesko's Board of Directors
consists of a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of eight
(8) members. The General Meeting elects all members of the
Board of Directors. The Board elects the Chair and the Deputy
Chair from among its members. All Kesko's Board members are
non-executive directors. According to the Articles of Association,
the term of office of each Board member is three (3) years with
the term starting at the close of the General Meeting electing
the member and expiring at the close of the third (3rd) Annual
General Meeting after the election.
The majority of Kesko's Board members are independent of
the company and all Board members are independent of the
company's significant shareholders. The Board of Directors evaluates
the independence of its members on a regular basis. Each
Board member is obliged to provide the Board with sufficient
information that will allow the Board to evaluate his/her independence.
The function of Kesko's Board of Directors is to duly arrange the company's management, operations and accounting, and to supervise the company's financial management. The Board of Directors has confirmed the written rules of procedure that specify the Board of Directors' duties, business to be handled, meeting practice and the decision-making process. According to the rules of procedure, the Board of Directors handles and decides on all matters that are financially, commercially or fundamentally significant for the Group's operations. According to the rules of procedure, the principal duties of the Board of Directors include:
- making decisions on Group strategy and confirming strategies for the divisions,
- confirming the Group's rolling plan, which includes the investment plan,
- approving the Group's financing and investment policy,
- confirming the Group's risk management principles and handling the Group's major risks and uncertainties,
- confirming the Group's insurance policy handling and adopting consolidated financial statements interim financial reports and related stock exchange releases and the report by the Board of Directors,
- making decisions on strategically or financially important individual capital expenditure, acquisitions, disposals or other arrangements, and contingent liabilities,
- making decisions on key Group structure and organisation, appointing and dismissing the company's President and CEO, approving his/her managing director's service contract and making decisions on his/her remuneration and other financial benefits,
- approving the appointments, remuneration and financial benefits of the Corporate Management Board members responsible for business divisions,
- making decisions on Kesko's remuneration systems including possible granting of stock options within the terms and conditions decided by the General Meeting,
- establishing a dividend policy and being responsible for the development of shareholder value, and
- handling the Corporate Responsibility Report.
Remuneration and other financial benefits of the Board of Directors and its Committees
The Annual General Meeting makes decisions on the remuneration and other financial benefits paid to the members of the Board of Directors and its Committees annually. Fees to the members of the Board of Directors and its Committees are paid as monetary compensation. Board members have no share or share-linked remuneration systems.
Committees of the Board of Directors
Kesko has the Board of Directors' Audit Committee and Remuneration
Committee, both of which consist of three (3) Board
members. The Board of Directors elects the Chairs and the
members of the Committees from among its members for one
year at a time. All members of the Audit Committee are independent
of the company and its significant shareholders. All
members of the Remuneration Committee are independent of
the company's significant shareholders. The Committees regularly
assess their operations and working practices and carry out
a related self-assessment once a year. The Board of Directors
has confirmed written rules of procedure for the Committees
that lay down their key duties and operating policies.
The Committees have no independent decision-making
power, but the Board makes decisions based on the preparations
made by the Committees. The Chair of the Committee
regularly reports on the work of the Committee to the Board
of Directors.
Audit Committee
The duties of the Audit Committee include:
- monitoring the financial position and financing of the Kesko Group,
- monitoring the company's reporting process of financial statements,
- supervising the company's financial reporting process,
- monitoring the efficiency of the company's internal control, internal audit and risk management systems,
- handling the plans and reports of the company's Internal Audit Department,
- monitoring the statutory audit of the financial statements and consolidated financial statements,
- evaluating the independence of the company's audit firm,
- evaluating the related services provided to the Group by the company's audit firm and the audit companies belonging to the same chain,
- preparing the draft resolution concerning the election of the company's auditor, and
- maintaining contact with the company's auditor.
Remuneration Committee
The duties of the Remuneration Committee include:
- the preparation of the remuneration and other financial benefits of the company's President and CEO for the company's Board of Directors,
- the preparation of the salaries and other financial benefits of the Corporate Management Board members responsible for the business divisions,
- the preparation of the appointment matters of the President and CEO and the Corporate Management Board members responsible for the business divisions and the assessment of their successors,
- the preparation and development of the company's remuneration systems, and
- the preparation of matters related to the possible granting of stock options to the company's Board of Directors within the terms and conditions decided by the General Meeting.
Further information about Kesko's Board of Directors and its Committees is also available at www.kesko.fi.
President and CEO
Kesko has a Managing Director who is known as the President
and CEO. His duty is to manage the company's activities in
accordance with the company's Board of Directors' instructions
and rules and to inform the Board of Directors about the development
of the company's business and financial situation. He
is also responsible for arranging the company's day-to-day
administration and ensuring that the financial administration
of the company has been arranged reliably. The Board of Directors
elects the President and CEO. The Board of Directors has
decided the terms of the President and CEO's service contract.
A managing director's service contract has been made in writing
between the company and the President and CEO.
Information about the President and CEO's biographical
details, working experience and key positions of trust as well
as his holdings of securities issued by Kesko are presented on
page "Corporate Management Board on 31.12.2008" and at www.kesko.fi.
Corporate Management Board
The Kesko Group has a Corporate Management Board, the Chair
of which is Kesko's President and CEO.
The Corporate Management Board has no authority based on
legislation or the Articles of Association. The Corporate Management
Board is responsible for dealing with Group-wide development
projects and Group-level principles and practices. In
addition, the Corporate Management Board deals with the
Group's and the division parent companies' business plans,
profit performance and prepares matters that are handled by
Kesko's Board of Directors. The Corporate Management Board
meets 8–10 times a year.
Further information about Kesko's Corporate Management
Board is presented on page "Corporate Management Board on 31.12.2008" and at www.kesko.fi.
The remuneration system of the President and CEO and Kesko's
management consists of a fixed monthly salary, a bonus based
on the profit impact of each management position, an executive's
pension benefits, and the stock option system. The company
has no share remuneration system.
Kesko's Board of Directors makes decisions on the salaries and
other financial benefits of the President and CEO and the Corporate
Management Board members responsible for the business
divisions, on the principles of the performance-based bonus
system and the principles of other executives' bonuses. The
President and CEO makes decisions on the salaries and remuneration
of other Corporate Management Board members except
for those mentioned above and on the details of other executives'
bonus remuneration systems, following the one-over-one
principle. Depending on the profit impact of each management
position, the maximum bonuses can vary up to an amount corresponding
to an executive's salary for 3–8 months. The bonus
system criteria consist of Group-level and responsibility areaspecific
profit targets, customer and personnel indicators, and
the supervisor's overall assessment. The bonus system covers
about 100 executives of the Kesko Group.
In addition to the bonus system, Kesko has a valid year 2003
stock option scheme for the Kesko Group's management and a
valid year 2007 stock option scheme for the Group management
and other key people. The 2007 option scheme includes the obligation made by Kesko's Board of Directors to option recipients
to use 25% of their option income to buy company shares
for permanent ownership. Kesko's Board of Directors makes
decisions on the distribution of stock options based on the proposal
by the Remuneration Committee and within the terms and
conditions of the stock option scheme decided by the company's
General Meeting.
The terms and conditions of the 2003 and 2007 stock option
schemes are available in full at www.kesko.fi.
Group-wide financial reporting
The Group's financial performance and the achievement of financial objectives are monitored via Group-wide financial reporting. Monthly performance reporting includes Group-, division- and subsidiary-specific results, progress compared to the previous year, comparisons with financial plans, and forecasts for the next 12 months. The Group's short-term financial planning is based on plans drawn up by the quarter, extending for 15 months. The financial indicator for growth is sales growth, while those for profitability are the accumulation of operating profit excluding non-recurring items and the accumulation of economic value added, monitored via monthly internal reporting. When calculating economic value added, the requirements concerning return on capital are determined annually on market terms. In profit requirements, risk-related division- and country-specific differences have been taken into account. Information about the Group's financial situation is given by interim financial reports and the financial statements release. The Group's sales figures are published in a stock exchange release each month.
Risk management, control and internal audit
Risk management
In the Kesko Group, risk assessment and management is conducted
on a comprehensive basis. Risk management is an
essential part of management and day-to-day operations. The
objective of Kesko's risk management is to ensure the delivery
of the Group's customer promises, the shareholder value, profit
performance, the ability to pay dividends and the continuity of
business. Efficient risk management is a competitive advantage
for Kesko.
In the Kesko Group, a risk has been defined as any kind of
uncertainty that may lead to:
- a failure to exploit business opportunities,
- events or reasons which prevent or hinder the attainment of objectives or have other unwanted consequences.
The risk management policy approved by the Board of Directors guides risk management in the Kesko Group. This policy is based on the COSO ERM Integrated Framework. The policy defines the objectives, principles, responsibilities and key practices of risk management.
The Kesko Group's principles of risk management
- Conscious and carefully evaluated risks are taken in selecting strategies, e.g. in expanding business operations, in enhancing market position and power, and in creating new business.
- Financial, operational and damage/loss risks are avoided or reduced.
- A safe shopping environment for customers and product safety are ensured.
- A safe working environment is created for employees.
- Information about risks and risk management is provided to stakeholders.
- Opportunities for unhealthy phenomena, crime or malpractice are minimised through operating principles, controls and supervision.
- The continuity of operations is ensured by safeguarding critical functions and essential resources.
- Crisis management, disaster recovery and continuity plans are prepared in case any risks are realised.
- The costs and resources involved in risk management are in proportion to the obtainable benefits.
Responsibilities and roles in risk management
The business management is responsible for the risk management
in practice. Persons responsible for risk management have
been appointed in the divisions to coordinate and report on
risk management activities. Kesko Food and Rautakesko also
have Risk Managers of their own, who are responsible for the
development of risk management in their divisions in cooperation
with the business management and supporting functions.
The Corporate Risk Management Unit is responsible for developing
risk management and its tools, introducing best practices
to the Group and reporting on risk management to the Group
management. The Unit is responsible for Group-level insurance
Kesko has a Group-level Risk Management Steering Group,
which is chaired by the President and CEO, and has representatives
of various divisions and Group units as members. The
Steering Group approves risk management procedures and key
policy definitions, and assesses and monitors the Group's risks
and the implementation of risk management responses.
Risks are reported to Kesko's Board of Directors' Audit Committee
on a quarterly basis. Kesko's Board of Directors handles
the major risks, their management and assesses risk management
With respect to the management of financial risks, the Group
observes the financial policy that has been confirmed by the
Board of Directors. The Group's Treasury is responsible centrally
for Group funding, liquidity management, relations with providers
of finance, and the management of financial risks. The
implementation of the policy and the Group's financing is
reported to the Audit Committee.
The Corporate Internal Audit assesses the Group's risk management
annually and reports on the level of risk management
to the Audit Committee.
Risk management implementation in 2008
As a result of the global financial and real economy crisis, risk
management has become increasingly important and it has
been systematically developed in the Kesko Group. The role of
divisions' management in risk management has become
increasingly important. Risk management is part of Kesko's
management and operational activity. Risks are assessed on a
regular basis and reported quarterly in connection with financial
reporting. Project-specific risk analyses are also prepared.
The divisions assess the risks in connection with the strategy
cycle and prioritise them according to their criticality and management
level. Division parent companies' risks and their management
have been discussed by the companies' and the
Group's management. Separate risk analyses have been carried
out for major projects. Also the Group units, such as Corporate
Finance and Accounting, Treasury, Corporate Communications
and Responsibility, Legal Affairs and IT Management, have
assessed the risks threatening the Group objectives and their
On the basis of the divisions' and Group units' risk analyses,
the Corporate Risk Management Unit has prepared summaries of
major risks and their management on a quarterly basis. The
resulting risk report has been handled by the Audit Committee.
The main risks and uncertainties have been reported in connection
with the interim financial reports.
Other risk management responses in 2008
- Continuity management projects progressed.
- Shrinkage reporting was harmonised.
- Group-level crisis plan and crisis communications guidelines were updated.
- Insurance policy updated by the Corporate Risk Management Unit was approved by Kesko's Board of Directors.
- Risk reporting to the management was increased.
- Deviation reporting application was introduced (incl. the reporting of “near miss” situations and follow-up of corrective actions).
- Guidelines for the safety and security of business premises were harmonised.
- Guidelines for handling malpractice were updated.
- The operation of Group-level cooperation forums to support the development of risk management was established (subjects include corporate, premises and work safety, data security and insurance).
- Risk awareness was increased through risk management and safety training, and communications.
Risk management emphases in 2009
Key development areas at the Group level include more efficient
counterparty risk and continuity management and improved
management of operational risks and loss prevention. An
assessment of job hazards will be carried out in operations in
Major risks and uncertainties related to Kesko's business operations
and risk management responses are described in Kesko's
Annual Report, in the report by the Board of Directors on page, in notes Nos. 44 and 45 to the consolidated financial
statements, and on Kesko's website at
Internal audit
Roles of management and the Corporate Internal Audit in internal control
The Audit Committee of Kesko's Board of Directors has confirmed
Kesko's internal audit policies, which are based on good
auditing principles, widely accepted internationally.
Internal control is an essential part of corporate governance
and management. The Board of Directors and the President and
CEO are responsible for organising internal control. The Board of
Directors is accountable to shareholders and the President and
CEO to the Board of Directors. The chain of responsibilities continues
throughout Kesko's organisation so that the direct subordinates
of the President and CEO report to him, and each Kesko
employee is accountable for the internal control of his/her area
of responsibility to his/her immediate superior. The main duty of
the Corporate Internal Audit is to support Kesko's President and
CEO, the Board of Directors and management in their task of
Kesko's Corporate Internal Audit is responsible for the independent
corporate assessment and assurance functions required
of a listed company that systematically evaluate and verify the
effectiveness of risk management, control, management and
governance. In addition, support is given to the management
and organisation in their work of ensuring that the Group's
goals and objectives are achieved and that the monitoring
system is developed further.
Organisation and focus of internal audit
The operating policies of Kesko's Corporate Internal Audit have
been defined in the Charter confirmed by the Audit Committee.
The unit is subject to Kesko's President and CEO and the Board's
Audit Committee, and it reports about its plans and activities to
them on a regular basis. Audit findings, recommendations and
the progress of actions are reported to the auditee management,
the President and CEO, the Audit Committee and the
external auditors.
The Corporate Internal Audit is divided into foreign audit,
group audit and IT audit. Auditing is based on risk analyses and
the control discussions carried on with Group and divisional
management. The Corporate Internal Audit cooperates with the
Corporate Risk Management and participates in the work of the
Group's Risk Management Steering Group. The Corporate Internal
Audit assesses the effectiveness of Kesko's risk management system
Auditing evaluates the effectivity and efficiency of operations,
the reliability of financial and operational reporting, the compliance
with laws and regulations, and the safeguarding of
assets. Focus areas include foreign operations and retailing,
especially controls of goods and money in the supply chain,
finance and reporting, information systems and information
Special attention is paid to good communications with management
and providing support in adopting good audit practices.
The Corporate Internal Audit communicates and consults
on good control solutions within the Group by preparing reports
and arranging events for exchanging experiences. Controls are
constantly compared with the best Finnish and international
practices with the aim to identify the most efficient solutions
from the viewpoint of Kesko.
Ensuring professional competence
According to its Charter, the Corporate Internal Audit must have
sufficient resources available and the knowledge, skills and
other competencies needed for performing its duties. The President
and CEO and the Audit Committee approve the Corporate
Internal Audit's annual plan and decide on its resources. The
auditors' competencies are developed by systematic professional
education and examinations. Kesko's Corporate Internal
Audit has five employees with the international qualification
of Certified Internal Auditor, granted by the Institute of Internal
Auditors (IIA).
The extent and competence of auditing is ensured and coordinated
by regular contacts and exchange of information with
the Group's other internal assurance operations and external
auditors. In addition, the department acquires external services
for occasional needs or assessment assignments that require
special competence. International guidelines of the IIA require
that an external quality assurance audit be conducted in internal
audit operations every five years. According to the audit carried
out at Kesko in 2005, Kesko's Corporate Internal Audit
mainly complies with the international professional and ethical
IIA standards.
Insider administration
Kesko's insider regulations
Kesko complies with insider guidelines of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd (Helsinki Stock Exchange), effective 2 June 2008. Kesko's Board of Directors has confirmed Kesko's insider regulations for permanent and project-specific insiders. The contents of the regulations correspond with the insider rules of the Helsinki Stock Exchange. Kesko's insider regulations have been distributed to all insiders.
Kesko's permanent insiders and insider registers
In accordance with the Securities Markets Act, Kesko's permanent public insiders include Kesko's Board members, the President and CEO (Managing Director), and the auditor with principal responsibility in the audit firm. Kesko Corporation's Board of Directors has also stipulated that, in addition to the President and CEO, other members of the Corporate Management Board are regarded as the company's permanent public insiders. All permanent public insiders and the statutory information about them, their related persons and the corporations that are controlled by related persons or in which they exercise influence, have been entered in Kesko's register of public insiders. Other permanent insiders of Kesko include such persons working in positions determined by the Board of Directors, who in their duties receive insider information on a regular basis and who are thus entered in the company's own, non-public insider register. Kesko's company-specific insider register is divided into individual registers that consist of permanent insiders and of possible insider projects and persons participating in their preparation.
The Group's Legal Affairs Unit monitors the compliance with insider regulations and maintains the company's insider registers in cooperation with Euroclear Finland Ltd. Kesko's permanent insiders may not acquire or transfer securities issued by the company, including securities or derivative financial instruments entitling to them, during 21 days prior to the publication of interim financial reports and during 28 days prior to the publication of annual financial statements. Further information about the holdings of Kesko's permanent public insiders is available on page "Shares and shareholders" and updated information at www.kesko.fi.
According to the Articles of Association, Kesko has one (1) auditor,
which shall be an audit firm authorised by the Central
Chamber of Commerce. The Board of Directors' Audit Committee
prepares the proposal concerning the company's auditor for
presentation at a General Meeting. The term of an auditor is
the company’s financial period and an auditor’s duties terminate
at the close of the Annual General Meeting following the
election. A company belonging to the same chain as the audit
firm represented by the auditor elected by Kesko's General
Meeting mainly acts as an auditor of the Group companies outside
The auditor presents the audit report required by law to Kesko's
shareholders in connection with the handling of the company's
financial statements at the General Meeting, and regularly
reports to the Audit Committee of Kesko's Board of Directors.
Other matters
Stock exchange communications and stock exchange releases
The Group's Senior Vice President, CFO is responsible for the
financial content of stock exchange releases as well as for
investor information. The Corporate Communications and
Responsibility Unit produces Group-level communications
material and is responsible for providing stock exchange and
financial information. The Vice President, General Counsel is
responsible for ensuring that the rules related to stock
exchange releases are observed at Kesko.
In its investor communications, Kesko follows the principle
of impartiality and publishes all investor information on its
website in Finnish, Swedish and English. Kesko observes a twoweek
period of silence before publishing information on its