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Finance lease liabilities

€ million 2009 2008
The maturities of finance lease payments are as follows:    
No later than 1 year 17.7 20.9
Later than 1 year and no later than 5 years 45.0 64.5
Later than 5 years 13.6 10.9
Total minimum lease payments 76.4 96.3
Present value of minimum lease payments:    
No later than 1 year 14.6 17.3
Later than 1 year and no later than 5 years 38.1 57.9
Later than 5 years 13.4 10.5
Total finance lease liabilities 66.1 85.7
Accumulating financial expensess 10.3 10.6
Contingent rents for the financial year 0.3 0.1
Expected sublease rentals 44.1 61.5

The finance lease receivables mainly consist of store fixtures leased by Kesko Food Ltd from finance companies and subleased to chain companies. In addition, finance leases include real estate leases with lease payments tied to interest rate.