Communications policy and principles
The purpose of Kesko's communications is to promote the business of the Group and its business partners by taking the initiative in providing stakeholders with correct information on Group objectives and operations. The general principles followed in providing communications also include openness, topicality and truthfulness. No comments are made on confidential or unfinished business, nor on competitors' affairs. The primary objective of communications is to describe what added value Kesko and its cooperation partners generate to consumers and other customers, whose impressions and behaviour ultimately decide Kesko's success.
Investor communications
In line with its IR strategy, Kesko continually produces correct
and up-to-date information for the markets as a basis for the
formation of Kesko Corporation's share price. The aim is to
make Kesko's activities better known and to increase the transparency
of investor information and, therefore, the attraction of
Kesko as an investment target.
In its investor communications, Kesko follows the principle of
impartiality and publishes all investor information on the Internet
pages in Finnish, Swedish and English.
Kesko publishes its Annual Report as a printed publication in
Finnish, Swedish and English. The financial statements release
and three interim financial reports are available on Kesko's
Internet pages. The company maintains a mailing list of persons
to whom the Annual Report is sent. Those who wish to be
included on the mailing list may fill in the form on the Internet
at Kesko's stock exchange and press
releases sent by e-mail can be ordered through the material
service on the Internet pages
Kesko arranges press conferences for analysts and the media
at the time of publishing financial statements or other significant
news, and holds Capital Market Days on various themes 1–2
times a year.
Kesko observes a two-week period of silence before publishing
its results releases. At other times, we are happy to answer
the enquiries of analysts and investors by phone or e-mail, or
at the investor meetings arranged.
IR contacts
Riikka Toivonen, Investor Relations Manager
Tel. +358 1053 23495
Mobile +358 500 708 337
Fax +358 9 174 398
Arja Talma, Senior Vice President, CFO
Tel. +358 1053 22113
Fax +358 9 657 465
Jukka Pokki, Investor Relations Manager
Tel. +358 1053 22645
Mobile +358 50 65 632
Fax +358 9 174 398
Corporate Communications and Responsibility
Paavo Moilanen, Senior Vice President
Tel. +358 1053 22764
Fax +358 9 174 398