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Trade and other current receivables

€ million 2010 2009
Interest-bearing receivables    
Finance lease receivables 16.6 16.8
Interest-bearing loan and other receivables 4.4 15.3
Total interest-bearing receivables 21.0 32.1
Trade receivabels 619.6 593.6
Current tax assets 29.0 3.1
Other non-interest-bearing receivables
Non-interest-bearing loan and other receivables 30.4 33.0
Deferred revenue and other accruals 102.1 81.6
Total other non-interest-bearing receivables 132.6 114.5
Total 802.3 743.3

A total amount of €3.6million (€12.6 million) of trade receivables has been recognised within credit losses in the income statement. Credit risk is described in more detail in note 41.

Deferred revenue and other accruals mainly include timings of marketing revenue, rebates and staff cost.

The fair values of current trade and loan receivables, and those of current interest-bearing receivables are estimated to nearly equal the carrying amounts based on their short maturities.