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Finance lease receivables


€ million 2010 2009
Finance lease receivables are due as follows:
No later than 1 year 19.6 20.1
Later than 1 year and no later than 5 years 51.9 50.9
Later than 5 years 12.4 15.3
Gross investment in finance leases 83.8 86.3
Present value of minimum lease payments receivable:
No later than 1 year 16.6 16.8
Later than 1 year and no later than 5 years 46.5 44.8
Later than 5 years 12.0 14.7
Finance lease receivable 75.1 76.3
Unearned finance income 8.7 10.0

The finance lease receivables consist of store fixtures owned by Kesko Food Oy and leased by it to chain companies. During the lease term, the leased item is held as collateral, and after the actual lease term, the lessee may extend the lease over low-cost extension periods. The lease terms are between 3 and 8 years.