K Group is constantly striving to improve the transparency of its purchasing chains. On this website, our customers can find out more about where the products they purchase from K Group stores come from.
Where do mywear t-shirts, Pirkka and K-Menu tuna products, Pirkka Fairtrade roses, and PROF Timber sold in our stores come from? We want to increase the transparency of our purchasing chains by providing information on the origin of our products and their journey to our stores. Choose a product to find out more.
K Group’s purchasing of seafood is guided by our Fish and shellfish statement, which is based on WWF's seafood guide. All Pirkka and K-Menu branded canned tuna comes from sustainable fish stocks listed yellow or green in the WWF guide.
Read moreThe blue, oval-shape MSC label indicates that the tuna has been fished by MSC-certified, responsible fishing companies. The Pirkka range also offers MSC-certified tuna.
Read moreAll K Group canned tuna producers have been granted the Dolphin Safe certificate, which guarantees that their tuna fishing methods do not endanger dolphins.
Read moreWe use third-party amfori BSCI auditing to assure social responsibility in the factories of our tuna suppliers. The amfori BSCI auditing monitors working conditions in factories and farms, including workplace safety, salaries, working hours and compliance with the ban on child and forced labour, among other aspects.
K Group’s Quality and Product Development Unit's laboratory monitors the safety and quality of own brand products and own imports in the grocery trade. We require that all manufacturers have valid GFSI-recognised certifications that assure product safety.
We ensure the safety of our own brand food products. Pirkka and K-Menu cans do not contain detrimental elements such as Bisphenol.
In line with our plastics policy, we are reducing the use of plastics and promoting plastics recycling. By the end of 2025, all packaging for our own brand products will be recyclable, reusable or biodegradable.
Our Pirkka and K-Menu branded canned tuna products are skipjack tuna. Our Pirkka Parhaat premium range has two canned yellowfin tuna products. All Pirkka and K-Menu tuna has been sustainably fished.
(Skipjack, Katsuwonus pelamis)
Tonnikalasaaliista yli puolet on boniittia. Boniittikannat ovat pääosin hyvässä kunnossa ja laji on elinvoimainen. Boniitti on pienikokoinen, runsaslukuinen laji ja yleisin tonnikalasäilykkeiden raaka-aine. Boniitti elää pääasiassa Atlantin, Intian valtameren ja Tyynen valtameren trooppisissa osissa.
All tuna for our canned own brand Pirkka and K-Menu products comes from either Mauritius, Thailand, Spain or Portugal. Our suppliers process the canned tuna in factories in their countries. The tuna cans are driven in a truck to the harbour. They then travel in a container ship to the Netherlands, on a smaller ship to Helsinki in Finland, and finally on a truck to K Group’s central warehouse in Vantaa.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has established 27 fishing areas based on statistical data-gathering, the management of fisheries, and jurisdictional purposes. The boundaries of the areas were determined on various considerations, consulting international fishery agencies. This map shows the FAO fishing areas where Pirkka and K-Menu tuna come from.
EN - Ostamasi tonnikala on pyydetty vastuullisesti. Kalakantojen kestävyyteen vaikuttaa kalalajikkeen ja kalastusalueen lisäksi käytetty pyyntimenetelmä. K-ryhmä noudattaa WWF:n kalaoppaan suosituksia ja hyväksyy valikoimiinsa ainoastaan sellaisia kalalajikkeita, joiden pyyntimenetelmät ja kalastusalueet eivät vahingoita kalakantoja. Pirkka- ja K-Menu-säilyketonnikalojen kalastuksessa käytetyt pyyntimenetelmät ovat vapaväline (pole & line) sekä kurenuotta (purse & seine).
EN-Kurenuotta (Purse seine) on tehokas avovesikalastustapa. Kurenuotat eivät vahingoita merenpohjaa, ja kurenuotalla saadaan vain vähän sivusaalista. Kalaparven paikantamisen jälkeen kalastajat asettavat verkon ympyräksi parven ympärille. Verkon pohja vedetään kiinni pussimaisesti ja kalat tuodaan alukselle verkossa. Kurenuotilla vastuullisesti kalastettaessa tulee varmistaa, että mereen jää tarpeeksi lisääntymiskykyistä kalaa ja ettei kalakantojen säilyminen ole uhattuna.
Together with our suppliers, we promote sustainable fishing and preserving ocean ecosystems. Our suppliers have established, reliable partners who catch the tuna.
We comply with the EU rules to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. The rules ensure that illegally caught fish is not sold on the European market.
Kesko Corporation is the only company in the world to have been included on the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World list by Corporate Knights every year since the list was first established in 2005.
Read moreDo you have questions about the origin or qualities of Pirkka products? Contact K Consumer Service by phone on 0800- 0- 1000 or via email at kuluttajapalvelu(at)
Read moreAre you looking for new tuna recipes? Plenty of recipes are available at Why don’t you try tuna bowl?
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