Reporting concerns and instances of non-compliance
Any activity violating the K Code of Conduct will negatively affect the Kesko brand and stakeholders' trust in the Company and may cause significant business, personal and social risks. It is the duty of each of Kesko’s business partners to request assistance from their contact person at Kesko where needed and to immediately report to them any worries or detected violations.

If you face a difficult situation or detect behaviour that violates this Code of Conduct, you can always discuss the matter with your contact person at Kesko.

If the options above do not meet your need, you may give feedback confidentially via the SpeakUp reporting channel.

Please note that this channel is only intended for reporting violations of this Code of Conduct and suspected violations of securities markets regulations. Any customer feedback received via the SpeakUp channel will not be processed. Customer feedback must be submitted via the appropriate channel.

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