Where do mywear t-shirts, Pirkka and K-Menu tuna products, Pirkka Fairtrade roses, and PROF Timber sold in our stores come from? We want to increase the transparency of our purchasing chains by providing information on the origin of our products and their journey to our stores. Choose a product to find out more.



Sustainable production is monitored with audits

We ensure social responsibility in our suppliers’ production with third-party audits. Attention is paid to the working conditions in factories and plantations, including occupational safety, salaries, working hours and compliance with the ban on child and forced labour, among other aspects.

Fairtrade audits ensure that working conditions, labour rights, Fairtrade premiums and environmental considerations are in line with the Fairtrade criteria. 

Taking care of the environment

The Fairtrade criteria also include requirements related to environmental protection, aimed at promoting the sustainable use of soil and water resources, for example.

On Kenyan flower farms, environmental considerations are promoted in many ways, such as reusing water and using renewable energy sources. Flower farms collect rainwater in pools for irrigation. If necessary, water can also be taken from wells, lakes and rivers.

Quality assurance

At K Group’s Quality and Product Development Unit, the laboratory monitors product safety and the quality of the company’s grocery brands and imports. In quality assurance for flowers, attention is paid to outer quality and product labelling, in addition to ensuring that the quality of the flowers remains high all the way to the consumer. During a preservation study, the preservability and shelf life of flowers are checked throughout the chain, from the packaging department in Kenya to the Finnish consumers.


New cleaning products made from used cut-flower buckets

K Group is one of the biggest sellers of flowers in Finland, and as many as 600,000 buckets that are used for cut-flowers accumulate in stores every year. In a collaboration between K Group, Lassila & Tikanoja and Sinituote, the discarded buckets are processed into a raw material that is used to make new cleaning products. The range of SINI cleaning products is available at K-Citymarket and some K-Rauta stores.

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Pirkka Fairtrade roses, spray carnations and floribunda roses come from various Kenyan flower farms, such as Nini, Ravine Roses and Penta Flowers. The big Pirkka Parhaat Fairtrade rose sold during the spring comes from Ecuador.

The sunny weather in Kenya is ideal for rose farming throughout the year. Kenya’s location on the equator provides for daily sunshine, with only minor changes in temperature. Kenya also has excellent transport connections.

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Saumu Nyadzua works at the Penta Flowers farm.
Photo: Fairtrade, Vincent Owino

Many species of roses

When choosing a rose species, attention is paid to the length of the stem, resistance to plant diseases, strength and suitability for the weather conditions in Kenya, as well as yield per square metre. Important selection criteria also include current trends, the beauty of the rose, the flower opening duration and the vase life. 

Colours change by the season

The colours of the roses sold at K-food stores are chosen based on customers’ preferences and the season. Cold colours, such as pink, are favoured in the spring. Warm colours, such as orange and yellow, are popular in the autumn, while red and white are Christmas favourites.


The temperature during the transport of Pirkka Fairtrade roses is monitored to ensure high quality. The roses are mainly transported by refrigerated cargo plane from Kenya to the Netherlands. Studies show that despite the flight, the carbon dioxide emissions generated by roses grown in the warm climate of Kenya are around five times smaller than the emissions generated by roses grown in greenhouses in the Netherlands. The protective packaging is removed in the Netherlands, quality is checked and new absorption areas are cut on the roses, which are placed in buckets with water and flower preservative. The roses are transported to Finland in a temperature-controlled truck, which travels from Germany to Finland by ferry. In Finland, the roses are delivered to Kesko’s central warehouse in Vantaa, where they are collected to be included in loads delivered to K-stores. The roses arriving in Finland can be available for customers at stores as early as the next day.


In 2023, a total of €318,392 was paid in Fairtrade premiums to the farmers for the Fairtrade flowers sold at K-food stores. The Fairtrade premium is paid to the producers in addition to the sales price. The local farming community is responsible for the use of the Fairtrade premiums. The funds are intended for the social or economic development of the community.


Zipporah Moraa Ombiro is sorting Fairtrade roses into bundles.
Photo: Fairtrade, Vincent Owino

Fairtrade premiums have been used for many purposes on flower farms

  • Building classrooms for the local school
  • Purchasing school supplies
  • Providing a water tank with clean water for the pupils of the local school
  • Building a day-care centre
  • Granting scholarships to students
  • Improving workers’ living conditions
  • Acquiring a bus for the personnel's transports
  • Establishing a computer room
  • Planting trees
  • Providing healthcare services for preventing and treating illnesses
  • Creating opportunities for sports and cultural activities in the local community.
The K-food stores sold over


million bunches of Pirkka Fairtrade roses in 2023.
Pirkka Fairtrade roses first at K-food stores in


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Pirkka Fairtrade roses come from several Fairtrade flower farms in Kenya. We present the three main flower producers below.

Ravine Roses The farm is situated 200 km west from Nairobi. Its main activities are to grow cut flowers and to process them for exports. In addition to the Fairtrade certificate, Ravine Roses has other certificates such as GlobalGAP and MPS Socially Qualified.
Flower farm :
Ravine Roses The farm was founded in 1898 and has production area of 78 hectares. The roses are grown in greenhouses with more sustainable irrigation methods (drip line irrigation) and biological prevention mechanisms. The main production period is from October to February.
Ravine Roses The Fairtrade criteria guide the operations of the flower farm. The Fairtrade Premium has been directed at building a daycare centre for the workers’ children, and the children’s education has been supported by scholarships and reasonable training credits. Furthermore, two classrooms have been built at the Simotwet school, and a laboratory and storage facilities for the Simontwet health centre.
Nini Group consists of the farms of two family businesses. The farms have several certifications related to quality and social responsibility, such as ISO 14001, MPS Socially Qualief and Fairtrade.
Flower farm:
Nini Group farms – Nini Limited and Lamorna Limited – are located side by side by the southern shore of Lake Naivasha in the Rift Valley region in the province of Nakuri. Nini grows all roses hydroponically in greenhouses using a closed irrigation system.
Nini Group Fairtrade premiums are used to run a staff canteen and a day-care centre, as well as for acquiring personal protective equipment for workers. Classrooms have been built for the Ndumbiri and Mirere schools, as well as drinking water tanks for the Milimani school. Premiums are used to cover 70% of upper secondary school and university fees for the workers’ children. The newest acquisition is a bus for the personnel’s transports.
Penta Flowers Ltd. consists of two separate farms concentrating on growing roses in greenhouse conditions. In addition to the Fairtrade certificate, Penta Flowers has other certificates such as MPS Socially Qualied and SMETA.
Flower farm:
Penta Flowers consists of two farms: Ndarugu, situated in the Thika province, and Thika in the Gatanga area. The main activities of the farms are to grow various cut flowers and to process them for exports. The cultivation area totals 65.58 hectares. Thanks to the location, irrigation water for Ndarugu is obtained from the Ndarugu river, and the Chania river and the Gathambara dam offer water for the Thika farm. The farms have an environmental management system taking care of the protection of nature reserves and the proper waste handling. Furthermore, solar energy is used inside the buildings and in the use of water pumps.
Penta Flowers Fairtrade Premium has been focused on the farm workers’ families, and support for scholarships has been increased. Additionally, a new classroom has been built at the Kisima Secondary School. A project is ongoing to provide daycare for the children of farm workers and of local community. The Penta flower farm workers can also apply for a zero-rate interest loan to help with home repairs and essentials. The workers are given information and training regarding, for example, driving, catering, IT skills, management, project management, economics.

Ravine Roses flower farms

The farms are audited regularly by a third party (GlobalGAP audits), most recently in


Fairtrade audits are conducted regularly on the farms, most recently in


The farms have


The farms grow


million roses annually

Nini Group flower farms

The farms are audited regularly by a third party (GlobalGAP audits), most recently in


Fairtrade audits are conducted regularly on the farms, most recently in


The farms have


The farms grow


million roses annually

Penta Flowers flower farms

The farms are audited regularly by a third party (GlobalGAP audits), most recently in


Fairtrade audits are conducted regularly on the farms, most recently in


The farms have


workers of whom 37.1% are female
The farms grow


million Fairtrade roses annually


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